Together with our partner in the US, Nexidus Commodities LLP we will attend the 13th annual Harbor Aluminum Summit. This event will be held in Chicago, Illinois. The event expects more than 700 visitors to attend.
Part of the summit are two “Executive training” sessions. Eric Serio, Partner of Nexidus Commodities will speak in the afternoon session. He will off a training on aluminum Price Risk Management (Physical Trading and LME).
This session is an eye-opener even for those with experience in physical trading and hedging. This session will help you understand the bottom-line of what a producer, aluminum manufacturer and end user should be looking at and executing when negotiating price contracts in order to truly manage risk effectively.
Nexidus Commodities provides commodity hedging, risk management, and analytical services to a large range of industries. Their aim is to provide clarity, direction, and strategy to better manage commodity price volatility that exists on an ongoing basis. Part of their service is to identify gaps and improvements in client’s hedging strategies. Furthermore, Nexidus offers a full range of services including one-time consultations, analytics and reporting, risk management planning, as well as a fully outsourced hedging solution that executes on behalf of their client’s requirements and goals.
Nexidus offers the KYOS Portfolio and Risk Management system to their clients and prospects in the US. This robust and easy to use software system captures years of industrial experience in managing budgets, commodity contracts, hedging, market price analysis and cash-flow forecasting. Whether you are in procurement, sales, finance or treasury – you will all profit from a strongly improved cash-flow forecast.
10-12 November 2020, Chicago Illinois
Conference website and agenda: Harbor Aluminum Summit
Training Eric Serio, Nexidus: 10 November 2020, 13.30 – 16.30: Level 2 – Scrap market, LME’s workings & Aluminum price risk management.